Please read before viewing:This is the series that established me as a photographer. Its been in two galleries and was dismissed from one because it was deemed "racist". Though not racist, this series is about how judgmental and closed minded our society is and it being deemed "racist" is sheer ignorance and proves that my theory is correct. I took different stereotypes and rituals from American society and I used the Gorilla mask because it stands for where we evolved from.. Gorillas. Instead of showing the subjects emotion/ personality by showing their face, I let the viewers opinion to make the personality of the subject of each photograph. This series is well thought out with lots of iconography so pay attention to it. It was all shot with 120 and 35mm film that I processed by hand and these are scanned prints that I made in the Dark Room. The original prints have already been sold so if your interested in a print let me know so we can work something out. This series is the beginning of my career and im very excited to show this to my friends and family so leave me any questions or comments.


You Can Stop Corporate America


Dinner for Two

Parapper the Rapper

Anatomy 101

Death of the Gorilla